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FORAVE Projetos Europeus

Formar jovens cada vez mais tolerantes e com uma maior consciência intercultural e europeia, permitir a cooperação e a partilha de práticas pedagógicas, a nível europeu, entre sistemas de ensino e de formação, e possibilitar o aperfeiçoamento de conhecimentos, competências e qualificações técnicas, facilitando a empregabilidade e a participação no mercado de trabalho europeu são os grandes objetivos que têm motivado a FORAVE a manter uma presença regular na Europa através da participação em projetos ERASMUS +.

A concretização destes objetivos só é possível pelo forte sentido de cooperação existente entre pessoas, instituições de ensino e formação e demais entidades da sociedade civil, que transcende fronteiras e se desenvolve a nível europeu desde 2003.

Ao longo de 16 anos, projetos com temas tão diferentes quanto a cultura e tradições europeias, a participação ativa da sociedade no ensino profissional, o racismo e as minorias na educação, o consumismo na adolescência, o abandono dos idosos, a melhoria da qualidade do ensino, o bullying, a utilização das TIC nas escolas, as expectativas para o futuro, a diversidade e multiculturalidade na Europa e a integração no mundo do trabalho têm sido trabalhados em cooperação com escolas, universidades, centros de formação e outras instituições ligadas ao ensino de 25 países europeus, mas também com o forte apoio por parte de parceiros, associações, empresas e autarquia locais, que, pretendendo acompanhar este espírito europeu, têm colaborado na concretização de trabalhos, reuniões, atividades e demonstrado disponibilidade e interesse pelos temas dos projetos.

Os projetos desenvolvidos pela FORAVE, quer como escola coordenadora, quer como escola parceira, possibilitam assim a realização de programas de intercâmbio, estágios e formação profissional, envolvendo os seus alunos e staff em trabalho colaborativo a nível europeu, permitindo o desenvolvimento de competências, no domínio do multilinguismo e do desenvolvimento profissional, pessoal e social, fazendo da FORAVE uma escola de dimensão Europeia, comprometida na participação de uma cidadania global com a consciência responsável da importância da multiculturalidade e do respeito pela diversidade.

  • ERASMUS + KA2 - STEM Education: from school to a tech world


    STEM Education: from school to a tech world


    ERASMUS + KA 2 - Cooperation among organisations and institutions / KA210 – Small-scale Partnerships in school education


    REFERENCE: 2021-1-PT01-KA210-SCH-00048189


    SHAPE the future teacher

    STEM skills are an increasingly important part of basic literacy in today’s knowledge-oriented society. Europe needs more scientists and science-aware citizens but it continues to face a low number of students interested in studying or pursuing a career in the STEM field.

    According to an OECD research, pupils see STEM as boring, not related with real life and hard to study. And, as the same research shows, teachers are the main factor which influences choosing STEM related professions.

    Europe’s future heavily relies on technology and related sciences. As a result, the next decades will witness an increasing demand for people with relevant skills to meet this challenge. In the field of education, Europe is therefore facing the urgent need of attracting enough people interested in science (S), technology (T), engineering (E) and mathematics (M) related fields of study and subsequent professions.

    The STEM approach for learning and teaching encourages the blending of knowledge that is required in the real world and natural curiosity. It promotes cross-cutting, ‘transversal’ skills such as digital skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, management, team work and entrepreneurship. It also promotes cooperation with non-academic partners and responds to economic, environmental, political and social challenges.

    With our project, the project partners will cooperate with high education institutions and representatives from the world of work to promote students´ interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Partners will develop and implement teaching materials based on real experience, practical knowledge and schools’ best practices.


    PROJECT START DATE: 1 April 2022

    PROJECT END DATE: 1 April 2024

    DURATION: 24 months


    PROJECT MEETINGS: Portugal, Estonia


    PROJECT WEBSITE: stemeducation.pt/

  • ERASMUS + KA2 - Career Pathways


    Career Pathways


    ERASMUS + KA 220 – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training


    REFERENCE: 2020-1-PT01-KA226-VET-094771



    Our partnership in vocational education and training aims to support VET institutions on how new skill needs can best be addressed.

    The advancement of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation and new forms of work and work organisation, has wide-ranging economic and societal implications now and in the future. At the same time, the shift towards more sustainable and green economies is reshaping labour market demand and supply.

      • The integration of digital tools will guarantee the continuity of the educational process and VET schools’ operation in cases of emergent situations, like COVID- 19.
      • VET schools will be able to organize professional, efficient, and effective virtual Career Days - VET students will engage in qualitative learning regardless of the potential lockouts and they will continue receiving placements as apprentices, interns, and employees in companies.
      • The advancement of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation and new forms of work and work organisation, has wide-ranging economic and societal implications now and in the future. At the same time, the shift towards more sustainable and green economies is reshaping labour market demand and supply.
      • Our project will develop and test new tools, providing access to the labour market and skills intelligence to job seekers, those looking for training, education and training providers, employers and for regional policymakers. The project plans to address the need for career pathways for those seeking to develop skills for future employment and the need for VET organisations to provide new learning opportunities for individuals to acquire these skills. It also addresses the need identified by Cedefop for new tools for careers and employment professionals to support adults (especially those with low skills) in identifying new skills and employment possibilities.
      • The project is expected to produce important results both on an individual and a community level.


    PROJECT START DATE: 1 November 2021

    PROJECT END DATE: 1 September 2024

    DURATION: 34 months

    COORDINATOR: Associação Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento - TecMinho

    PROJECT MEETINGS: Portugal, Spain, Greece


    PROJECT WEBSITE: career-pathways.eu

  • ERASMUS + KA2 - Hybrid Learning Lab for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics


    Hybrid Learning Lab for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics


    ERASMUS + KA 220 – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training


    REFERENCE: 2020-1-PT01-KA226-VET-094771


    SHAPE the future teacher

    The project is carried out by five schools and organisations from Estonia, Portugal, Poland and Croatia.

    The aim of the project is to adjust vocational education in the field of mechatronics with the labour market in the context of the growing Industry 4.0. Rapid technological and digital progress requires the acquisition of new skills and competencies to work in such an environment. The project seeks to develop key competencies needed for students’ active participation in the labour market after graduation.

    There are several categories of project activities that will be carried out:

      1. Comparative Analysis - Challenges and implications for VET providers at the upper secondary level in respect to Industry 4.0 trends/labour markets needs,
      2. Exchange of competencies and know-how / tailor-made trainings – 3 short-term joint staff trainings,
      3. Development of the model “Hybrid Learning Lab for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics” – development of Curriculum Framework and Methodological Guidelines,
      4. Piloting of the model “Hybrid Learning Lab for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics”– face-to-face and on-line collaborative teaching and learning, combined with short-term physical mobilities/exchanges of the IVET students,
      5. Dissemination and Multiplier events.


    PROJECT START DATE: 1 November 2021

    PROJECT END DATE: 31 October 2023

    DURATION: 24 months

    COORDINATOR: Electromechanical School Varaždin

    PROJECT MEETINGS: Croatia, Poland, Portugal, Estonia



  • ERASMUS + KA2 - We R Open


    We-R-Open: An educational approach for digital upskilling of Teaching, Managerial and Administrative staff of VET Schools


    ERASMUS + KA 2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness


    REFERENCE: 2020-1-PT01-KA226-VET-094771


    SHAPE the future teacher

    The central aim of this project is to contribute to the digital transformation of the whole range of VET services to cope with unprecedented needs created by the COVID-19 pandemic, at the same time boosting the entrance of VET institutions and staff in the digital era. We-R-Open will achieve this aim by developing an online set of learning resources to support the digital transformation of VET courses as well as a training course for VET administrative/support and back office staff to help them developing digital skills for communicating with students, companies hosting apprentices, training staff, parents, for supporting e-learning process and for undertaking from distance their everyday work.

    The project aims at developing these skills through joining deep knowledge and expertise on both the VET sector needs and on the development of digital learning and tools of six institutions coming from five European countries. More specifically, “We-R-Open: An educational approach for digital upskilling of Teaching, Managerial and Administrative staff of VET Schools” will produce two core intellectual outputs an “Online VET classrooms” online Toolkit and a ”We-R-Open” Course for Administrative/Support and Back Office Staff. The project goals are:

      • The integration of digital tools will guarantee the continuity of the educational process and VET schools’ operation in cases of emergent situations, like COVID- 19.
      • VET schools will be able to organize professional, efficient, and effective virtual Career Days - VET students will engage in qualitative learning regardless of the potential lockouts and they will continue receiving placements as apprentices, interns, and employees in companies.
      • Good practices and learning materials in the, presently limited, areas of “Communication, Smart Work and Virtual Events Organisation for staff of VET schools” will be enriched.
      • VET teaching staff will have a handy and user-friendly toolkit especially developed for them meeting their needs to organise practical training and labs digitally, providing them also with tangible examples.
      • Managerial and administrative staff of VET schools/institutions will acquire the necessary digital and communication skills to organise their school’s Communication, e- administration and Virtual Events such as Career and Open Days.

    PROJECT START DATE: 1 March 2021

    PROJECT END DATE: 31 December 2022

    DURATION: 22 months


    PROJECT MEETINGS: Portugal, Spain, Greece


    PROJECT WEBSITE: https://weropen-project.eu/

  • ERASMUS + KA2 - SHAPE the future teacher


    SHAPE the future teacher



    ERASMUS + KA 2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education

    REFERENCE: 2020-1-EL01-KA201-079206


    SHAPE the future teacher

    For the last decades, most educational professionals have agreed that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a positive impact on learners' motivation, achievement, transversal, and higher order thinking skills. At the same time, a growing variety of technical and cognitive skills, known as ‘digital literacy’, is required from the younger generations to perform tasks and solve problems in digital environments and in everyday life. Education needs to comply with the new employability demands and prepare high-skilled future citizens.

    The “SHAPE the future teacher” project will focus on the need for incorporating digital literacy into the school curriculum through learning scenarios developed, evaluated and disseminated by all the partners in a bilingual way. It will be applied into a wide and diverse range of fields of studies highly connected with increasing the employability chances of the future citizens while investing in European citizenship. More specifically it will be applied in STEM, Entrepreneurship, Cultural Heritage, Citizenship and Environmental Education.

    The basis of our cooperation is set on the experimentation with innovative technology and the integration of our outcomes into school curriculum, teaching and learning processes.

    We will focus on creating 3 learning scenarios per school for the above educational fields, applied in a bilingual system. Through carefully selected activities we will motivate our students to learn in a different way, certainly more active. Each scenario will include detailed steps for certain educational purposes and specific learning objectives and will be supported by relevant notes about the main learning theories (behaviour, constructivism and social development theories) and the models of integrating the ICT tools into the learning process. The final collection of the learning scenarios will be available for educational use through an online resource platform, called “Scenario resource platform”.

    Finally, we will create a network of educational organizations across Europe with which we have working ties and share the learning scenarios with them. It will be an online resource platform with shared resource material with possibilities for further development.

    The objectives of the project are:

      • promoting the professional development of teachers by acquiring project management skills through project work, sharing best teaching practices, and getting to know different school systems;
      • exchanging good practices in different fields of education guided by the most specialized partner in the relevant field;
      • developing new, innovative, and multidisciplinary curricula and pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning with I.C.T.;
      • promoting the use of I.C.T. for learning and related digital competences;
      • reducing disparities in learning outcomes;
      • ppromoting a sense of European citizenship;
      • engaging educators and learners in non-formal educational approaches;
      • upgrading teaching methods in a wide and diverse range of subjects.

    PROJECT START DATE: 31 December 2020

    PROJECT END DATE: 30 December 2022

    DURATION: 24 months

    COORDINATOR: Scientific Association for the Promotion of Lifelong Learning

    PROJECT MEETINGS: Greece, France, Italy, Spain


    PROJECT WEBSITE: https://www.eedive.gr/ka2shape/

  • ERASMUS + KA2 - The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future


    The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future



    ERASMUS + KA 2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices/ KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

    REFERENCE: 2019-1-HU01-KA202_06896


    SHAPE the future teacher

    Schools taking part in the project have to cope with the same problems, a challenging economic situation. In vocational training, some students are under motivated, they drop out school too early, and they do not have any plans for the future. In our changing world, the labour market requires more-educated workers with up-to-date knowledge. New professions are required in many fields of economy, and schools have to follow the new trends to follow the requirements and needs of companies, or employers. Most organisations are facing the same challenge of demand for high-level qualifications in EU, so we try to renew the vocational education according to the needs of the domestic and international job market. This should answer the demand of high-qualified teachers and professionals at schools and other institutions to provide enough well qualified workers.

    The main aim of vocational education is to prepare students for the future, as we want to give them such education and professional knowledge that will help them to be successful both in the national and international labour market. At the end of the project, we will compile a book with good practices which will be published in paper form and online both in English and in the mother language of the participant countries. The content of this publication will be the good practices and methods collected during the project implementation including the following topics:

      • Marker Pedagogy - Hungary
      • Experience -based learning - Spain
      • Experience in apprenticeship and entrepreneurship - Greece
      • Digital skills and soft skills - Norway
      • Development of projects with companies and higher education institutions - Portugal
      • Improving language skills in an international work environment – Italy

    PROJECT START DATE: 1 September 2019

    PROJECT END DATE: 31 August 2021

    DURATION: 24 months

    COORDINATOR: Nyíregyházi Szakképzési Centrum (Hungary)

    PROJECT MEETINGS: Hungary, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Italy, Spain


    PROJECT WEBSITE: https://futurevsjobs.weebly.com/

  • ERASMUS + KA2 - Build a bridge between European Nations


    ERASMUS + KA 2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships

  • ERASMUS + KA2 - E-Treasure – my lovely Europe



    ERASMUS + KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only


  • ERASMUS + KA2 - ECWORK – ECVET for work-based learning


    ECWORK – ECVET for work-based learning

    SHAPE the future teacher



    ERASMUS + KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training


  • ERASMUS + KA2 - Teachnology in Education


    Teachnology in Education

    SHAPE the future teacher



    ERASMUS + KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only





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McDonald's in talks to sell China, Hong Kong and UK franchises for $3bnMcDonald's Corp has received more than half a dozen bids for its China and Hong Kong stores, including offers from Beijing Tourism Group, Sanpower and ChemChina, in an auction that could fetch up to $3billion, people familiar with the matter said.Sanpower Group, a technology and real estate firm, said late on Wednesday it has submitted a joint bid with Beijing Tourism Group for the stores.Buyout firms including Bain Capital, TPG Capital and Carlyle Group are also participating in the auction with a view to teaming up with Chinese strategic bidders, the people said.The US fast food company announced in March it was reorganizing its Asian operations by bringing in partners who would own the restaurants within a franchise business. Competitor Yum Brands is also restructuring its China business by spinning it off ahead of a likely IPO next year.McDonald's Corp has received more than half a dozen bids for its China and Hong Kong stores, including offers from Beijing Tourism Group, Sanpower and ChemChina, in an auction that could fetch up to $3billion, people familiar with the matter saidThe planned sale of China units by McDonald's and Yum indicates they are seeking local partners who could help ward off growing competition from domestic rivals and also better manage public perception in the wake of food-safety scares that hit the two fast-food giants in the last few years.'Given the difficulties Western chains have had recently with public perception, local players have become a serious competitive threat,' said Elizabeth Friend, consumer foodservice analyst at Euromonitor International.pre bonded hairOak Brook, Illinois-based McDonald's has hired Morgan Stanley to run the sale of about 2,800 restaurants in China, Hong Kong and South Korea, Reuters previously reported. The sale in South Korea is being run separately and it was not known if the same parties have expressed interest in that sale, the people added.As part of the deal, McDonald's is offering a 20-year master franchise agreement to buyers, with an option to extend it by another 10 years.It has stipulated that private equity firms remain a minority partner in any bidding consortium, restrictions that discouraged some buyout funds from participating in the auction, the people added.Among those who were preparing to place first-round bids ahead of the June 20 deadline were Beijing Capital Agribusiness Group, which is McDonald's current China partner, and GreenTree Hospitality, the people added. It was not immediately clear if they made the bids.McDonald's will now draw up a shortlist of bidders for the next round in the coming weeks.The US fast food company announced in March it was reorganising its Asian operations by bringing in partners who would own the restaurants within a franchise business

Volatile earningsPrivately held Beijing Tourism did not respond to a fresh Reuters request for comment on Thursday.Officials at ChemChina, formally known as China National Chemical Corp, were not available to comment on Wednesday. An official at Beijing Capital Agribusiness said the company did not participate in the bidding. A spokeswoman for GreenTree said the company was not bidding currently.Bain, Carlyle and TPG declined to comment. The sources declined to be identified as the sale process is confidential.A McDonald's spokeswoman said the company was 'making progress' in the sale process. 'As no decisions have been made, it would be premature to speculate further,' she said in an email.McDonald's does not break out country-by-country revenue details but industry data shows it is China's No. 2 fast food chain behind Yum, which operates the KFC and Pizza Hut chains.remy hair extensionsMcDonald's China and Hong Kong business posted about $200million in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation for fiscal 2016, and could be sold for about 15-16 times its core earnings, taking the deal value to about $3billion, one of the people said.But its earnings have been volatile and it made only $65million for 2015, which is likely to weigh on how some of the suitors could value the business, the people added. Some sources said the sale is likely to fetch around $2billion.

Caitlyn Jenner's docu-series has officially been cancelled after two seasons.The 66-year-old confirmed weeks of rumours that I Am Cait is coming to an end on her Twitter page on Tuesday.'After 2 amazing seasons of @IAmCait, it's time for the next adventure,' Caitlyn shared. 'Thank you E! & thank you to the best girlfriends I could ask for!'perruques cheveux naturelsComing to an end: Caitlyn Jenner (pictured last month) confirmed on Tuesday that I Am Cait has been cancelled after two seasonsThe news doesn't come as a surprise following much speculation that the show would not return due to low ratings.I Am Cait debuted strong in July of last year, with 2.73million viewers tuning in for the series premiere.However the show failed to hold onto its audience in its second season.Just 860,000 viewers watched the season two finale, with ratings dipping as low as 480,000 during the season.'Thank you E!': The 66-year-old announced the news on her Twitter page and said 'it's time for the next adventure'Sharing her story: The docu-series followed Caitlyn after her gender transition

'There just weren’t enough viewers,' a source told Radar Online earlier this month. 'The show can’t compete with other programming.'E! released a statement shortly afterwards saying that 'no decision had been made' at that time regarding the future of the show.I Am Cait followed the life of the Olympian, who was born Bruce, after her gender transition.The series was announced by E! immediately after Caitlyn's 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, in which she revealed she identifies as female.Losing its audience: The show debuted strong, but failed to hold onto viewers during its second seasonperruques cheveuxCall me Caitlyn: The series was announced by E! immediately after Caitlyn's 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, in which she revealed she identifies as femaleCaitlyn starred in the show alongside other members of the transgender community, including Jennifer Finney Boylan, Candis Cayne, Chandi Moore, Zackary Drucker and Kate Bornstein, and famously clashed with her co-stars over her support of the Republican party.Jenny shared on Facebook following the news: 'It's official as of today-- I AM CAIT will not be renewed for season 3. I am so very proud of being part of this show, and of its creators Andrea Metz and Jeff Olde in particular, who directed us with passion and grace.'I am grateful for the warm friendships I made with Chandi Moore and Candis Cayne and @katebornstein and Zackary Drucker and @ellagieselle and all of you. (and Kip Zachary and Courtney Nanson, who made us look so fine!) There is more work to do, and I send everyone my love.''I am so very proud': Jennifer Finney Boylan shared a Facebook post thanking her cast-mates following the cancellation'It was one of the best times of my life': Kate Bornstein also tweeted after hearing the newsShe added: 'Official word from the network today- a hard choice for them, I know. I'll have more to say about this in weeks to come, but for now I'll simply say I'm proud of everything we accomplished, and I send everyone involved my very sincere gratitude, and my love.'And Kate tweeted: 'Ah, #iamcait is done now. It was one of the best times of my life. Made such good forever friends. #allshowsclose.'Caitlyn's ex-wife Kris Jenner, daughters Kendall and Kylie Jenner and former step-daughters Kim and Khloe Kardashian also made appearances on I Am Cait during its run.Support network: The Olympian was joined on the show with fellow members of the transgender community, including (L-R) Chandi Moore, Candis Cayne, Ella Giselle and Jennifer Finney Boylan

Lady Gaga is to star in the remake of THE hit musical A Star Is Born alongside Bradley Cooper, who also makes his directorial debut with the weepie.The movie is due to start production next year in California and Gaga will compose and perform new music for the soundtrack.The 30-year-old's name was first mentioned in association with the project back in June but her casting was confirmed on Tuesday by Deadline Hollywood.lace front wigsShe was born for it: Lady Gaga, seen at Tony Bennett's 90th birthday bash earlier is August,  is to star in the remake of hit musical A Star Is Born alongside Bradley CooperThe movie tells the story of a young singer-actress who finds fame and romance after she captures the heart of a fading movie star, to be played by Bradley, 41.As his plummeting career and alcoholism take their toll, her star continues to rise.The new film is the third remake of the original love story released 80 years ago in 1937.Back then, Janet Gaynor played the ingenue and Fredric March was the falling star. Judy Garland and James Mason had a go at it in 1954.

Double hitter: The 41-year-old actor, pictured at the Los Angeles premiere of War Dogs on Monday, will also makes his directorial debut with the weepieIn 1976, Kris Kristofferson played a fading rock star with Barbra Streisand as a songstress on the rise.It's the first starring role in a movie for Lady Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta.However, the Born This Way songstress has been building her acting creds by co-starring as The Countess in FX's Golden Globe winning American Horror Story.cosplay wigsUps and downs: The 30-year-old stars as a young singer-actress who finds fame and romance after she captures the heart of a fading actor, to be played by BradleyMeanwhile, the movie has been a long time in the works.Beyonce was earlier pegged for the role of the young star on the rise, but the casting fell through after the Crazy In Love singer became pregnant with her daughter Blue Ivy, now four years old.'The world is in for a treat as these great artists craft an all new vision of A Star is Born,' Greg Silverman, Warner Bros. president of creative development and worldwide production, said in a statement.Small screen to big screen: The Born This Way songstress has been building her acting creds by co-starring as The Countess in FX's Golden Globe winning American Horror Story